
OSI Model

OSI Model: Overview: The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model is a conceptual framework that describes the functions of networking or telecommunication system independently from the underlying tech infrastructure.  The framework provides a way for two computers to communicate with each other.  Ways to remember layers. 1) Please Do Not Touch Steve's Pet. Alligator!


Padding - space inside the element Margin - space outside of an element Display: none -doesn't display anything block -separates the whole line inline -goes with a line where it's placed inline-block -? flex align-items: right, left, center flex-direction: row-reverse, column, row, column-reverse Position: fixed -always stays in the same place. absolute relative - goes according to the flow. You can determine the position of the item with top, left, right, bottom.  font-color font-family color background-color background - can be used the same as background-color.  overflow: visible, hidden, auto, scroll. border: solid black 1px; ul -> li or  ol -> li.   -ordered or unordered lists letter-spacing - space between letters line-height - height size of the letters.  cursor:  text-align

Information Security Standard & Organizations

 Information Security Standards Organizations Standardization bodies are organizations that exist specifically for developing, coordinating, promoting, and interpreting technical standards. NIST - National Institute of Standards - The U.S government organization responsible for defining standards to protect and assure the security of sensitive but unclassified data within government agencies.  Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC) Guide to NIST Information Security Docs Guide for Developing Security Plans  OWASP -  HITRUST BSi - British Standards Institute -  CIS - Center for Internet Security. - The CIS releases free security benchmarks that come with tools to measure compliance. These benchmarks and tools are widely adopted and have become important of DHS- sponsored public/private partnerships.  ISO/IEC - International Organization for Standardization - is a non-governmental worldwide federation established in 1947 and made up of the national standard...


  In this blog, I will show a summary of all the Syntax to write Markdown. Markdown by Example: Heading: # H1 ## H2 ### H3 Bold: **bold text** Italic *italicized text* Blockquote > blockquotte Ordered list: 1. First Item 2. Second Item 3. Third Item Unordered List:  - First item - Second item - Third item Code: `code` Horizontal Rule  ---- Link [title]( Image ![alt text](image.jpg) EXTENDED SYNTAX Table:  | Syntax | Description | | ----------------- | ----------------| | Header | Title | | Paragraph | | Text | Fenced Code Block ``` {     "firstNmae": "John",     "lastName": "Smith",        "age": 25 }      ``` Footnote Here's a sentence with a footnote. [^1] [^1]: This is a footnote. Heading ID #### My Great Heading {#custom-id} Definition List  term : definition  Strikethrough ~~The world is flat.~~ Task List - [x] Write the press release - [ ] Update the website - [ ] Contac...


Create a project vue create nameOftheProject Run the server make sure to cd and run npm run serve To add a plugin and use vuetify: vue add pluginName Two ways to access VUE:  1) CDN 2) Script tag and link via your project.  3) NPM - npm install vue  4) VUE cli 


GitHub git init - initialize git in your local machine git status - show the status of the branch git add [name_of_the-file] - adding specific files to be committed git add. - adding all files in the folder to be committed git checkout -b [branch-name] - create a new branch git commit -m 'comment' - commit and leave a comment git push origin [branch_name] - push changes to the specified branch git pull origin [branch_name] - pull everything from the specified branch git remote add origin [url_of_the_branch] - adding an existing repository that was created on GitHub git remote -v     - lists git remotes at the current directory  git clone [url] - fetching code from GitHub to your local machine git log - history 


Node.js Things you can do with Node: read & write connect to databases act as a server for content    -Javascript was originally made for browser to interact with DOM.  -Node allows run JavaScript on backend.  -Check your node version on terminal with: node -v -Type node to run node directly in the terminal.  Streams: allows you to use data before it is fully loaded. package being sent via stream is called buffer.  Client and Servers:  IP Address series of numbers. IPv4 vs IPv6 Localhost  get loop back ip address which is browser is connected to local host, which is own computer. Port# Channel Think of a door to your computer and what traffic you want to let to your computer. Requests and Responses: Status codes: 200 Ok 404 not found 201 500 internal server error 301 resource moved Redirection: When I changed my url and now it directs to 404 Other websites might have my link still directing there.  For smaller website you can ha...